Updated information as of: September 2024
One of the basic principles that govern the management of TOURIN EUROPEO is transparency and clarity in our relationships with stakeholders, providing truthful information and offering a clear view of the company’s reality.
In this section you can find the most relevant information about the company, including aspects that the company voluntarily makes available to anyone who wishes to consult it without any legal obligation to do so.
Moreover, Tourin Europeo is subject to Law 19/2013, of December 9, on transparency, access to public information, and good governance, and, in the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, to Law 12/2014, of December 26, on transparency and access to public information to the extent that it receives public subsidies above the amounts stipulated in those regulations.
For any questions regarding transparency, please contact the following email address:
More information:
You can also contact the Transparency Commissioner:
You can also contact the Transparency Commissioner:
TOURIN EUROPEO S.A is a family-owned company that offers wellness services through accommodation, dining, and thalassotherapy activities and services.
2.1 Society data.
- VAT NUMBER: A-35062116
- REGISTERED OFFICE: Las Margaritas Street, San Agustin. Postcode 35100 San Bartolomé de Tirajana. Gran Canaria. Canary Islands. Spain.
- MAIN ACTIVITY: Tourist leisure. Hotel and tourism exploitation, understood in the broadest sense and in accordance with current regulations on this matter. Carrying out all kinds of real estate operations on rustic and urban farms. The operation of thermal power cogeneration units and the promotion of products and services related to this activity.
- COMMERCIAL NAME: Gloria Thalasso & Hotels
2.2 Brands, products, and services.
GLORIA Thalasso & Hotels and Thalasso Gloria are the main brands with which the Company operates, at the forefront in Health and Wellness facilities with a high concept of quality in service and continuous development of its human capital.
Among its facilities, the largest Thalassotherapy Center in Europe stands out, and one of the most modern in the world, equipped with the latest technological advances and close to 7,000 m² dedicated to health with sea water.
The care for gastronomy is present in all establishments and is especially evident in the A la Carte GORBEA and KAIA Restaurants, located in Gloria Palace San Agustín Thalasso & Hotel and Gloria Palace Royal Hotel & Spa, respectively.
In January 2019, The Market Puerto Rico opens its doors, a modern and innovative commercial space, committed to its surroundings, with efficient and sustainable architecture, which aims to respond to a demand for responsible consumption, promoting a change in the way of relating to its public and adding value to the municipality where it is located as a destination.
With an ecosystem architecture and efficient design, The Market Puerto Rico invests in its 5,200 m2 with vertical gardens on its buildings, parking with charging stations for electric vehicles, photovoltaic panels, glazed enclosures that minimize the thermal effects of the sun reducing the use of air conditioning, and materials designed for energy savings with state-of-the-art technology (
2.3 Principles
TRANSPARENCY and clarity in the relationships with our stakeholders, providing information and offering a clear view of the company’s reality.
COHERENCE, demonstrating by example, involving people and maintaining closeness.
SUSTAINABILITY, working for economic and social development, taking care of existing resources to ensure their lasting existence and contributing value for the social and cultural progress of the Islands.
These three general, key and strategic principles of its management system are developed in the following: Respect for the law, impartiality, honesty and trust, integrity, safety of individuals, fair competition, service quality and prevention of criminal activities.
More information about its origin, mission, vision and values: About us | Gloria Thalasso & Hotels (
It is regulated by its Statutes, the Law of Joint-Stock Companies, by the provisions of the Commercial Code and other applicable provisions.
In its Management Policy, the entity establishes its firm commitment to maintain a conduct of permanent adaptation to compliance with the legislation and current regulations that are applicable to it for reasons of activity and geographical location, as well as those that the company voluntarily subscribes to, respecting and supporting the protection of fundamental Human Rights, internationally recognized, within our area of influence and paying special attention to the principle of non-discrimination in all its areas as well as the protection of children.
To monitor the application of the Ethical code and conduct, the Company has a compliance body and a whistleblowing channel:
Whistleblowing channel:
The governance system of Tourin Europeo S.A. is defined by the Articles of Association, as well as by other rules, codes, internal procedures, and corporate policies, all approved by the competent bodies of the Company.
Functions and competences (pdf)
The main activity of the Company is defined in its bylaws as hotel and tourism exploitation, understood in its broadest sense and in accordance with the current regulations on this matter.
The performance of the activity is based on the commitment to create shared value at an economic, social, and environmental level.
Tourin Europeo S.A. fulfills its legal obligation to deposit its annual accounts in the Mercantile Registry of Las Palmas, which can be requested in said registry.
Furthermore, the annual accounts of the company can be consulted below:
Audit report on the review of the justification account of a grant exceeding €100,000 granted under Decree Law 6/2021 for an amount of €5,000,000 with a payment date of 12/15/2021.
Our management model is based on people, a key element for improving profitability and sustainable growth.
It is part of a complete management indicator system, which controls results in all areas of business, as well as a comprehensive process map, so that company personnel are clear about their duties, responsibilities, and success and improvement indicators.
2023: No contract was formalized, neither in previous years. - 5.2. STATISTICAL DATA.
2023: No contract was formalized, neither in previous years. - 5.3 RESOLVED CONTRACTS.
2023: No contract has been resolved, neither in previous years. - 5.4. MODIFICATIONS:
2023: There are no contract modifications with Public Administrations. - 5.5. MINOR CONTRACTS:
2023: None were formalized.
Year 2023
No agreement has been formalized with a member of the public sector.
There have been no extensions, annexes or amendments to agreements of this nature.

Year 2023
Grant to companies and private sector entities for their participation in authorized dual vocational training projects in the 2022/2023 academic year, co-financed by the 2014-2020 Canarias Operational Programme of the European Social Fund as part of the European Union’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, granted by the Ministry of Education, Universities, Culture and Sports for an amount of €13,076.
Description of the subsidized activity:
Participation in authorized dual vocational training projects in the 2022/2023 academic year
Justification / achievements:
Direct aid with prior verification of meeting the necessary requirements to obtain it.
Year 2022
The entity did not receive any public grants in the 2022 fiscal year.
Year 2021
- Direct grant subsidies aimed at covering the IBI cost incurred by companies owning tourist accommodation establishments, affected by the crisis resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, by the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, for an amount of €492,725.11. EXP-SUBVENCIONIBI-0196-2021.
Description of the subsidized activity:
The aid is aimed at covering the IBI cost incurred to alleviate the negative consequences on economic and business activities caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent health restrictions.
Justification / achievements:
These are direct aids with prior verification of meeting the necessary requirements to obtain it. -
- Granting of COVID Line of Direct Aid to self-employed individuals and companies provided for in Title I RDL 5/2021, by the Ministry of Economy, Knowledge and Employment, for an amount of €5,000,000.00. EXP-SUBPYMES2-0064-2021.
Description of the subsidized activity:
- Granting of COVID Line of Direct Aid to self-employed individuals and companies provided for in Title I RDL 5/2021, by the Ministry of Economy, Knowledge and Employment, for an amount of €5,000,000.00. EXP-SUBPYMES2-0064-2021.
The aid is aimed at alleviating the negative consequences on economic and business activities caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent health restrictions.
Justification / achievements:
These are direct aids with prior verification of meeting the necessary requirements to obtain it.
- Grant of regional incentives subsidy for the implementation of the investment project in Teguise, province of Las Palmas consisting of a 5-star hotel and thalassotherapy center for an amount of €22,085,657.52, resulting from applying a 24% percentage to the approved investment of €92,023,573.00. Subsidy granted and not received, subject to the execution of the investment project. FILE. GC/793/P06.
Justification / achievements:
Subsidy granted and not received, subject to the execution of the investment project. FILE. GC/793/P06.Year 2020 - Grant for improving energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies in companies and residential buildings, co-financed with FEDER under the Canarias OP, by the Ministry of Ecological Transition, Fight against Climate Change and Territorial Planning, for an amount of €60,000.00. FILE. ER2020010068.
Description of the subsidized activity:
The aid is intended for the installation of a 104.65 Kwp photovoltaic plant, consisting of 230 panels of 455W at Izaro Club Hotel (Tías/ Lanzarote).
Justification / achievements:
Year 2019 - Grant for improving energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies in companies and residential buildings, co-financed with FEDER under the Canarias OP, by the Ministry of Economy, Industry, Commerce and Knowledge for an amount of €54,074.75. FILE. ER20190010013.
The aid is intended for the installation of two photovoltaic plants (1×99.83kw + 1x140kw) at Gloria Palace Royal Hotel & Spa (Mogán/Gran Canaria) Total investment amount: €184,800.
Justification / achievements:
These are direct aids with prior verification of meeting the necessary requirements to obtain it.
Information in open format (.txt)
The Company has a Technical Instruction approved by the Management Committee on May 24, 2022 with the objective of establishing the guidelines to which the performance of Tourin Europeo S.A. must adhere in terms of transparency.
See Tourin Europeo’s Technical Instruction on Transparency (PDF)